Library Services
According to the Pew Research Center, a majority of Americans surveyed consider themselves lifelong learners. Many of them are "professional learners:" they take courses or attend trainings to enhance their job skills and career prospects. However, the vast majority are "personal learners:" they learn skills or subjects that personally interest them.
And while the Internet can be an indispensable tool for learning, a majority of personal learners say a physical space (such as a... Read Post
Hoopla is here! We are delighted to offer this new service that allows Somerville patrons free access to thousands of movies, television shows, music albums, and audiobooks for mobile devices and computers.
To start using Hoopla, download the free digital mobile app on your Android or iOS device or visit Then, begin enjoying titles from major Hollywood studios, record companies, and publishers. Titles can be borrowed for instant streaming or for temporary... Read Post

On the application, there were 5 categories of jobs and you had to rank them in order of what you would like to do most.... Read Post

The Boston Globe recently selected Wrentham resident Joanna McFarlane as their Most Frugal New Englander (she won the contest they sponsored) and have published 14 of her money-saving tips. Tips #1 and #2 are library-specific:
Find free kids' events: Rather than paying for entertainment, see whether your local library hosts free children's storytime or playtime. McFarlane takes her children, Isabella, 2, and Catherine, 6 months old, to their library's weekly free half-hour children'... Read Post