How to Send eBooks to Kindle Devices

From Libby

  1. Locate a title in Libby that you are interested in, and then click “Borrow” to display a facsimile of your library card with the number of your active loans and holds. 
  2. Click “Borrow” to check out the title.
  3. Click “Go to Shelf” to display your recent loans. (You can also display this page by clicking “Shelf” in the lower right corner at any time.)
  4. Click “Read With” to the right of the book you borrowed to display your reading options.
  5. Click “Kindle” to open an Amazon login screen within Libby.
  6. Enter your Amazon username and password, and then click “Sign-In”.
  7. Click “Get Library Book’ to send the title to your Kindle.(Use the back arrow at the bottom of the screen to return to the Libby interface.)
  8. Your library book should now be sent to your Kindle for reading. 


Happy reading!